AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force Liaisons
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Daugherty, Lou | T&AA Liaison, Nebraska DOT | louanne.daugherty@nebraska.gov |
Fragapane, Ryan | AASHTOWare Product Director | rfragapane@aashto.org |
Lavallee, Carrie | SCOA Liaison, Massachusetts DOT | carrie.lavallee@state.ma.us |
Sade, Ben | AASHTOWare Associate Product Manager | bsade@aashto.org |
Bridge Management (BrM) Task Force
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Alamares, Justin | Caltrans | Justin.Alamares@dot.ca.gov |
Armour, Jacob | Michigan DOT | ArmourJ1@michigan.gov |
Bickley, Emily | South Carolina DOT | BickleyEJ@scdot.org |
Constable, Derek | FHWA Liaison, DC | derek.constable@dot.giv |
Cram, Ryan | KYTC | Ryan.Cram@ky.gov |
Hedeen, David | Minnesota DOT, Chair | david.hedeen@state.mn.us |
Miller, Kent | Nebraska DOT | kent.miller@nebraska.gov |
Nazareth, Craig | Rhode Island DOT | craig.nazareth@dot.ri.gov |
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Boyle, Zac | BrM Contractor | Zac.Boyle@mayvue.com |
Hutskow, Anthony | BrM Contractor | Anthony.Hutskow@mayvue.com |
Lang, Josh | BrM Contractor | Josh.Lang@mayvue.com |
BrM User Group (BrMUG)
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Booth, Jacob | Connecticut DOT, Vice President for the Optimizer | jacob.booth@ct.gov |
Cowden, Corey | Caltrans, President | cory.cowden@dot.ca.gov |
Irick, Jera | Utah DOT, Vice President for Database | jirick@utah.gov |
Stump, Cole | Alabama DOT, Vice President for Reports and Dashboards | stumpc@dot.state.al.us |
Testing Tag
The Testing TAG is primarily in charge of beta testing major releases of BrM. The goal of the TAG is to provide early feedback so that issues can be addressed before they are released to the entire community. Testing can be performed on vendor-hosted installations, or an agency can install the Beta release to test against their environment. This team has input on enhancements before they are released and votes to approve releases.
For information on how BrM licensees can join the Testing TAG, please contact the TAG chair, Jacob Armour (armourj1@michigan.gov), and AASHTOWare Product Director Ryan Fragapane (rfragapane@aashto.org).
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Ahmad, Faheem | Delaware DOT | faheem.ahmad@state.de.us |
Alamares, Justin | California DOT | justin.alamares@dot.ca.gov |
Armour, Jacob | Michigan DOT, Chair | armourj1@michigan.gov |
Bal, Harjit | New Jersey DOT | harjit.bal@dot.nj.gov |
Booth, Jacob | Connecticut DOT | jacob.booth@ct.gov |
Campbell, Diana | California DOT | diana.campbell@dot.ca.gov |
Cram, Ryan | Kentucky TC | ryan.cram@ky.gov |
Crosland, Daniel | Kansas DOT | daniel.crosland@ks.gov |
Faulhaber, Mark | Kentucky TC | mark.faulhaber@ky.gov |
Fish, Patty | Idaho TD | patty.fish@itd.idaho.gov |
Hedeen, David | Minnesota DOT | david.hedeen@state.mn.us |
Irick, Jera | Utah DOT | jirick@utah.gov |
Litchfield, Philip | Illinois DOT | phillip.litchfield@illinois.gov |
Miller, Kent | Nebraska DOT | kent.miller@nebraska.gov |
Nasrollahi, Massoud | Virginia DOT | massoud.nasrollahi@vdot.virginia.gov |
Nazareth, Craig | Rhode Island DOT | craig.nazareth@dot.ri.gov |
Nelson, Mike | Florida DOT | mike.nelson@dot.state.fl.us |
Novakovich, Bruce | Oregon DOT | bruce.d.novakovich@odot.oregon.gov |
O’Donnell, Larry D. | FHWA Resource Center | larry.o’donnell@dot.gov |
Sampat, Vijay | NJ DOT | vijay.sampat@dot.nj.gov |
Smith, Jerry | Mississippi DOT | jdsmith@mdot.ms.gov |
Thompson, Todd | South Dakota DOT | todd.thompson@state.sd.us |
Tobey, Lance | California DOT | lance.tobey@dot.ca.gov |
Database Tag
The Database TAG looks into changes in the database and helps advise on different setups and schemas. The benefit of this tag is that it allows them to use software to see changes to the database to advise on possible structural changes and to see new changes early to the database to allow input into these changes.
For information on how BrM licensees can join the Database TAG, please contact the TAG chair, Craig Nazareth (craig.nazareth@dot.ri.gov), and AASHTOWare Product Director Ryan Fragapane (rfragapane@aashto.org).
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Ahmad, Faheem | DelDOT | faheem.ahmad@delaware.gov |
Alamares, Justin | CALTRANS | justin.alamares@dot.ca.gov |
Barut, Joseph | Wisconsin DOT | Joseph.Barut@dot.wi.gov |
Bickley, Emily J. | South Carolina | bickleyej@scdot.org |
Bowers, Ryan | Wisconsin DOT | Ryan.Bowers@dot.wi.gov |
Bradburn, Martin | Rhode Island DOT | Martin.Bradburn@dot.ri.gov |
Builta, Drake | TX DOT | Drake.builta@txdot.gov |
Comstock, George | Washington DOT | ComstoG@wsdot.wa.gov |
Cram, Ryan | Kentucky TC | Ryan.cram@ky.gov |
Darshankumar, Vadadoriya | TXDOT | Darshankumar.Vadadoriya@txdot.gov |
Faulhaber, Mark | Kentucky TC | mark.faulhaber@ky.gov |
Fish, Patty | Idaho TD | Patty.Fish@itd.idaho.gov |
Fuqua, David | Kentucky TC | David.fuqua@ky.gov |
Hedeen, David | Minnesota DOT | david.hedeen@state.mn.us |
Irick, Jera | Utah DOT | jirick@utah.gov |
Lovato, Eric-Lee | New Mexico DOT | Eric-lee.lovato@state.nm.us |
Nazareth, Craig | Rhode Island DOT, Chair | craig.nazareth@dot.ri.gov |
Osei-Bonsu, Josephine | CTDOT | josephine.osei-bonsu@ct.gov |
Pineda, Tiffany | New Mexico DOT | Tiffany.pineda@state.nm.us |
Scott, Kenneth B. | South Carolina | ScottKB@scdot.org |
Soden, Derek | FHWA | Derek.soden@dot.gov |
Stevenson, Buck | Wyoming | buck.stevenson@wyo.gov |
Stump, Charles A. | Alabama | stumpc@dot.state.al.us |
Tajibnapis, Adrian | FHWA Software | Adrian.tajibnapis@dot.gov |
Venkatasamy, Venkat | FHWA Federal Lands | Venkat.venkatasamy@dot.gov |
Wright, Arnita | Kansas DOT | Arnita.Wright@ks.gov |
Optimizer Tag
The Optimizer TAG is an open forum for people to discuss different optimization methods that may be in the Product or may want to be in the Product. Also, it is an excellent way to discuss what people are doing with different ways to do optimization in the Product.
For information on how BrM licensees can join the Optimizer TAG, please contact the TAG chair, Ryan Cram (ryan.cram@ky.gov), and AASHTOWare Product Director Ryan Fragapane (rfragapane@aashto.org).
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Adams, Sean | Kentucky TC | sean.adams@ky.gov |
Barut, Joseph | Wisconsin DOT | Joseph.Barut@dot.wi.gov |
Booth, Jacob | Connecticut DOT | jacob.booth@ct.gov |
Bowers, Ryan | Wisconsin DOT | Ryan.Bowers@dot.wi.gov |
Bush, Andrew | Texas DOT | andrew.bush@txdot.gov |
Cordier, Jonathan | Kentucky TC | Jonathan.Cordier@ky.gov |
Cordoba, Benoît | Wyoming DOT | benoit.cordoba@wyo.gov |
Cram, Ryan | Kentucky TC, Chair | ryan.cram@ky.gov |
Cullison, Andy | Montana DOT | acullison@mt.gov |
Edmunds, Katherine | Kentucky TC | katherine.edmunds@ky.gov |
Faulhaber, Mark | Kentucky TC | mark.faulhaber@ky.gov |
Feeken, Dillon | Nebraska DOT | Dillon.Feeken@nebraska.gov |
Fish, Patty | Idaho DOT | patty.fish@itd.idaho.gov |
Fuqua, David | Kentucky TC | David.Fuqua@ky.gov |
Hedeen, David | Minnesota DOT | david.hedeen@state.mn.us |
Legler, Jake | Idaho DOT | jake.legler@itd.idaho.gov |
Litchfield, Philip | Illinois DOT | phillip.litchfield@illinois.gov |
Meinel, Philip | Wisconsin DOT | philip.meinel@dot.wi.gov |
Miller, Kent | Nebraska DOT | Kent.Miller@nebraska.gov |
Nazareth, Craig | Rhode Island DOT | craig.nazareth@dot.ri.gov |
Neubauer, Scott | Iowa DOT | scott.neubauer@iowadot.us |
Padilla, Felix | Florida DOT | felix.padilla@dot.state.fl.us |
Sampat, Vijay | New Jersey DOT | vijay.sampat@dot.nj.gov |
Shim, Hyung | Washington DOT | Shimhyu@wsdot.wa.gov |
Sondag, Sarah | Minnesota DOT | Sarah.sondag@state.mn.us |
Springer, Todd | Virginia DOT | Todd.Springer@VDOT.Virginia.gov |
Reports and Dashboard Tag
The Reports and Dashboard TAG helps with determining what the baseline reports are in Product. This may include reports that are no longer needed and reports needed for new features, how they are laid out, and what information they should contain. They also may look at the ability to change what types of reporting engines are needed or things of a graphical nature that are possibly needed in reporting.
For information on how BrM licensees can join the Reports and Dashboard TAG, please contact the TAG chair, Emily Bickley (BickleyEJ@scdot.org), and AASHTOWare Product Director Ryan Fragapane (rfragapane@aashto.org).
Name | Role | Contact Information |
Alamares, Justin | Caltrans | Justin.Alamares@dot.ca.gov |
Armour, Jacob | Michigan DOT | armourj1@michigan.gov |
Bickley, Emily | South Carolina DOT, Chair | BickleyEJ@scdot.org |
Bradburn, Martin | Rhode Island DOT | Martin.Bradburn@dot.ri.gov |
Cram, Ryan | Kentucky TC | ryan.cram@ky.gov |
Faulhaber, Mark | Kentucky TC | mark.faulhaber@ky.gov |
Feeken, Dillon | Nebraska DOT | Dillon.Feeken@nebraska.gov |
Fish, Patty | Idaho TD | Patty.Fish@itd.idaho.gov |
Handeland, Jeff | Nebraska DOT | Jeff.Handeland@nebraska.gov |
Miller, Kent | Nebraska DOT | kent.miller@nebraska.gov |
Nazareth, Craig | Rhode Island DOT | craig.nazareth@dot.ri.gov |
Scott, Kenneth B. | South Carolina | ScottKB@scdot.org |
Stump, Charles A. | Alabama | stumpc@dot.state.al.us |